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De Wijnpers kijkt over de muren

De Wijnpers draagt Europees burgerschap en de Europese gedachte een warm hart toe. Sinds 2014 bieden we dan ook Erasmus+-beurzen aan voor laatstejaars. Gemotiveerde laatstejaars uit de finaliteiten arbeid en dubbele binnen onze domeinen kunst en creatie, land- en tuinbouw en STEM samen met Se-n-Se (secundair na secundair) en studierichtingen duaal krijgen de kans buitenlandse ervaring op te doen. We organiseren korte en lange mobiliteiten binnen KA1. De lange stages voor Se-n-Se bestaan uit een zelfstandige stage van 13 weken of meer, van maart tot half juni. Daarnaast zijn we actief als partners binnen KA2 projecten zoals FOREST BOOST (samen met Finland, Estland, Polen en Duitsland), IMPACT (een samenwerking met Franse en Vlaamse tuinbouwscholen) en EU Water Challenge Vet Labs (samen met Spanje en Denemarken).

Sinds 21 december 2023 zijn we een geaccrediteerde organisatie!

Meer info kan je verkrijgen bij
  • L. Annerel, coördinator internationalisering Erasmus+ (
  • H. Hermine, eTwinning ambassador (


At De Wijnpers, a secondary school (12-19 years old), our commitment to European citizenship and education knows no bounds. In our pursuit of excellence, we recognize the pivotal role that collaboration plays in enriching the educational experience. Since 2014, our school has been a proud participant in Erasmus+ VET scholarships , for motivated final-year students within our fields of art and creation, agriculture and horticulture and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) together with Se-n-Se (secondary after secondary) and dual system students. In the past, our students went to Norway, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Estonia, France, The Netherlands, ….

Our students have explored Norway, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Estonia, France, Germany and The Netherlands, weaving lasting connections and broadening their global perspectives.

Beyond student mobility, our commitment extends to professional development. We organise job shadowing, short and long mobilities (ErasmusPro experiences) within KA1, providing immersive learning experiences supervised by our dedicated teaching staff. Our collaborations aim not only to educate but to inspire.

The short placements take place in one location abroad for 14 days under permanent teacher supervision. The long placements for Se-n-Se Se-n-Se Agro- en Greenmanagement and Graphic Design/webdesign consist of an independent placement of thirteen weeks or more, from March to mid-June.

Yet, our journey doesn't end here. At De Wijnpers, we are continually seeking new horizons. We are on the lookout for dynamic partners, forward-thinking companies, and innovative schools to join us in this educational odyssey. Collaboration fuels our growth, and we invite you to be a part of our story.

Currently, we are actively seeking VET schools for collaborative roles as sending and hosting organisations for group mobilities—an exciting prospect outlined in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide of 2024. This is an opportunity to embark on a shared venture, creating lasting impact in the realm of vocational education.

Our collaborative spirit extends to KA2 projects as well, with engagements in projects like Forest Boost, Impact, and EU Water Challenge Vet Labs. These initiatives represent our dedication to collaborative innovation, addressing global challenges hand in hand with partners from Finland, Estonia, Poland, Germany, France, Spain, and Denmark.

De Wijnpers is not just a school; it's a hub of collaboration and growth. We are proud to be an accredited organization within KA1 VET, ensuring excellence in vocational education and learning.

If you share our passion for education and the belief in the transformative power of collaboration, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

For more information on potential partnerships, collaboration opportunities, and the unique role you can play at De Wijnpers, please reach out to:
  • L. Annerel, Erasmus+ internationalisation coordinator (
  • H. Hermine, eTwinning ambassador (

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram/De Wijnpers

2025-2026: AI Design Website Horizons

  • Een kleinschalig samenwerkingsproject (KA2) tussen onze afdeling kunst en creatie (coördinator) samen met een Turkse partner.

2025-2026: Biopesticide for our Future

  • Een kleinschalig samenwerkingsproject (KA2) tussen onze afdeling land- en tuinbouw samen met een Poolse, Griekse en Turkse partner.

2024: Verkennend bezoek te Izmir (Turkije)

2023 09 eTwinning seminarie in Helsinki

2021-2022: Duurzame leer- en werkplekken, een sleutel voor de toekomst van Europese jongeren
